Thursday, January 5, 2012

Part 2 Year in Review

Here's a look back 2011 (Part 2) before saying good bye.  Sorry it took so long Roz, for the pictures.  It was a great 2011.  God was and I know He will continue to be merciful and gracious to us.  He remains faithful, inspite of our unfaithfulness. "Oh to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer" that is our prayer for 2012.  What is yours?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pictures, they say a thousand words!

Ferguson Family: Wow! Has it truly been that long, since I last wro...

Ferguson Family: Wow! Has it truly been that long, since I last wro...: Wow! Has it truly been that long, since I last wrote? How time flies!!! What have we been up to for the last seven months, you ask? ALOT!...
Wow! Has it truly been that long, since I last wrote? How time flies!!! What have we been up to for the last seven months, you ask? ALOT!!! Where do I even start? Spring came and went. Then summer came long. We went to FBFA in Virginia. While we were there, we went to Virginia beach. Now that reminded me of home. That was a first for the girls. You should have seen them, trying to conquer the waves, that was funny. Although, while in St.Lucia, they were at the beach constantly, they could remember nothing about it. They rented body boards with friends and just had fun. It felt wonderful seeing them enjoying themselves. I thank the Lord for that opportunity. I will try to post pictues later. They following week, Cleo and I went to D.C. for a youth missionary trip. That was ok. It sometimes takes me by surprise, how alike we are, no matter what country we live in. After that we went to Camp of the Wood, in the Adirondack. We always have fun. Benny did quite a bit of golfing with our pastor. As a matter of fact, as a result of the time spent with him golfing, he bought himself golfing clubs. The girls always enjoy Camp of the Woods. You do as little or as much as you want to. This time we didn't do a lot of hiking and boating as we did in the past. Anna was not at all pleased with that. We also started a new homeschool co-op, in September. That has been great. We have been to the Penn state twice last year, for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was lovely spending time with Flora, Benny's cousin. In a nutshell that was our year. Will see you soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Snow, Snow and more snow!!!!

I was told recently, that we are nineteen inches away from breaking the all time record of snowfall.  Isn't that amazing and to me exciting too.  I love the winter, I love snow.  I do not always enjoy the cold, but the snow always fascinates me.  It reminds me of God's grace.  The snow has always reminded me of His forgiveness, His continual faithfulness.  The snow, especially on a sunny day can be quite blinding.  It is so bright and so beautiful, so clean and so crisp, that I find myself just giving God thanks for being alive.  Well, as you can see, the winter also brings with it fun and lots of it!!  We had the opportunity to go sledding with the church a few weeks ago.  These are some of the photos taken.  Anna can hardly be seen in any of the photos.  She is such a people person that getting her to stand still to be photographed is almost impossible.  Yes.... the person who did not want to go sledding and was only going for the gilrs... un huh ...when he started he could not stop.  It was contagious!  The laughter... the fun...  Thank God for family!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

These are a few of my favourite things..... The month of January has been a whirlwind of activitites.  It seems as if we are always on the go.  The girls are still swimming, but now are also playing basketball.  Fun..Fun..Fun..   But, maybe our driver won't agree  still loves us though... so he  NOT does complain much.  We love him more.. especially when I remind him of the activity half an hour before.  So here are just a few pics.  Anna took part in the Awana quizz with Mckenzie.  They placed first.  Go Anna!! Being first in God's Word is great. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Co-op Recital

The girls participated in their co-op recital on 12/18/10.  Annalisa was 'Bob' in the play The Christmas Carol.  Cleopatra was part of the Chorus.  They did a fantastic job,  We invited the Fosters' as our guests;  it was enjoyable having them there..